Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kenna's Journey

 Hey! This is Kenna and I want to tell you about where I'm going on my road trip! First, I need to tell you I am driving by myself in a Mustang convertible! Anyway, my first stop is Fort Dearborn! Fort Dearborn was abandoned during the War of 1812. It was rebuilt after it was burned to the ground. My next stop is the Mississippi River. The famous river is the second longest river next to the Missouri. The Mississippi is 2,348 miles long! Then, I'm going to Brown County State Park, Indiana! Brown County is Indiana's favorite playground. It is also Indiana's largest state park! Then I'm going to Door County! I've been there many times before and it is amazing! Door County had Scandinavian and other ethnic settlers. It also has 300 miles of shoreline! My last stop is Mt.Rushmore! Mt.Rushmore took 14 years to carve! The most interesting fact is that Borglum,the carver, meant to go down to the presidents' waists, but died and no more work was done! Thanks for reading!
                                                                                                 -Kenna ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great trip. I went to Mt. Rushmore with my family and met a guy who worked on the blasting of the mountain. Did you know the heads were originally facing another way, but it didn't work out the first time around because there was a vein in the rock so they had to change the way the presidents face. I have also been to Door County and seen their famous fish boils. It was neat to watch, but I didn't like the food that well. Sounds like a great trip!
